We welcome you to Backpackers Villa Sonnenhof
Alpenstrasse 16
3800 Interlaken
phone: +41 33 826 71 71
local: 033 826 71 71
Email: contact@villa.ch
Isabelle Gruner, Catherin Quirin and the whole team

Tips for your trip to Interlaken
by train
trains in Switzerland are safe, reliable and clean. www.swiss-pass.ch provide very good value for money travel passes for Switzerland. Check train connections on www.rail.chInterlaken has two international train stations Interlaken WEST and Interlaken OST with the following connections:Daily 3 direct ICE trains: Berlin - Frankfurt/M - lnterlakenDaily 1 direct EC train Hamburg - Düsseldorf - Cologne- Rhine River Valley - lnterlaken
Daily 6 TGV trains Paris Gare de Lyon - Basel SBB - Interlaken. (change in Basel SBB)
Daily 3 EC trains Milano - Spiez - lnterlaken. (change in Spiez)
Domestic: Every half hour direct IC trains Basel SBB - Interlaken
Every half hour IC trains Zürich Airport - lnterlaken (change in Bern)
Every half hour IC trains Geneva Airport - lnterlaken (change in Bern)

Tips for your trip to Interlaken
by road
by bus: check out www.flixbus.co.uk/ for coach travel within Europe.Currently there is no connection to Interlaken - but this might change again in the future. Pre corona we used to have 3 different connection to/from Interlaken.
by car: either via Basel - Berne or Zurich - Luzern - Brünig. Once you get into Interlaken please see map below.
Parking: we have a limited number of parking spaces: CHF 5.-/night. There is more public parking available in the area.

How to get to Backpackers Villa Sonnenhof
From ‘Interlaken Ost’ (east) station
Exit towards town centre and follow the brown signposts for Backpackers Villa. Turn right and follow the main street to town center. At Hotel ‘Du Nord’ turn left (Klosterstrasse) and follow the park (large green called ‘Hoehematte’). We are located at the second corner.
Or take bus no. 60 or 102 (direction ‘Interlaken West’ - 'Spiez') to stop ‘Interlaken, Sonnenhof’.
Bank details
Swiss franc account (CHF):
PostFinance AG, Mingerstrasse 20, 3030 Bern, Schweiz
IBAN:CH86 0900 0000 3045 8335 1
official company registration number & business licence:
UID: CHE-104.309.655
VAT registration:
CHE-104.309.655 MWST

2019: mamo.ch Marco Mostosi
2017: visualimpact.ch Rainer Eder
2013: fotugra.ch Kaspar Boss
2009: markus-zimmermann.com Markus Zimmermann
Basel West
Unternehmenskommunikation AG
Gempenstrasse 64
4053 Basel
Netz: baselwest.ch
alixon gmbh
Aarepark 2a
5000 Aarau
Netz: alixon.ch